How to change navigation links

This article is about how to update navigation links in your site header as well as buttons in Squarespace.

*🖼️ You will find screenshots for each step customized to the specific template you've chosen.

  1. On your Main Menu on the top left-hand side, click on Website, then Pages and you'll see each of the pages of your site there.

• You will see the pages listed in the Main Navigation, and then the pages on the Not Linked section.

Not Linked: These are pages that exist on your website but are not linked from the main navigation.

• If you want to change the order that your main navigation options are appearing, all you need to do is:

1. Click and drag them up or down.

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

• Let’s say you want Services page to be first:

  1. You just click and drag it up.

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

To move a page from Not Linked to the Main Navigation so it will appear in your site header:

  1. Simply just click on the page and drag it up. It will be listed in the site header.

• To remove a page from the Main Navigation to the Not Linked section, take it, drag it down to the Not Linked section. It will disappear from the main navigation.

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

• To update a Button:

  1. Click on the Button to bring up the Button Settings.

    You’ll see a little menu pop up. That will have a pencil icon.

  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit the button, which will bring up a settings pop up.

• You can change the button text to whatever you like by entering the new name in the text field.

To link the Button to a page:

  • The Buttons on your template are likely already linked to a page. If you want to change the link:

  1. Click on Remove Link.

  2. Then Click on the Attach Link Button. A pop-up will appear, allowing you to choose a Page from your site or enter the URL of the page you want the Button to link to.

    • This can be an internal page on your site like Services or an external URL.

3. After entering the link, make sure to click out and then click save.

To add a Button Block:

1. Go to edit mode.

2. Go to the Section where you want to add a button.

3. Click Add Block to add a Button Block.

4. Select Button and you will see a button appear on your page.

5. Click and drag it to your desire location.

• To Style the button:

  1. Select the Button Block and you’ll see a little menu pop up. That will have a pencil icon.

2. Click the pencil icon, which will bring up a settings pop up.

3. Click on Design.

You will find options to select the Button Style such as: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.

4. Choose the style that best fits your design.

⭐️ Make sure to click out and then click save.

💌 Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about your template. You can open a Support Ticker Here and you'll hear from me over email.